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04 March 2024 | dataset

Summary of ground-water data for Tutuila and Aunuu, American Samoa, for October 1987 through September 1997

Ground-water and rainfall data from Tutuila and Aunuu in American Samoa, spanning October 1987 to September 1997, reveal trends in pumpage, chloride concentrations, and water levels. Noteworthy findings include varied pumpage rates and chloride concentrations, with Aua experiencing record-high chloride levels, while water levels in certain areas remained consistent or declined during the 12-month period ending September 1997.

Field Value
Publisher External Partners
Release Date
Identifier e06583b1-f81c-42f1-9d0a-2f8fc5016247
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location American Samoa
Relevant Countries American Samoa
License Public
[Open Data]
Author USGS