291 results

Growth and survival of the giant clams, Tridacna derasa, T. maxima and T. crocea, at village farms in the Solomon Islands Anthony M. Hart, Johann D. Bell ), Timothy P. Foyle 1998

Current state of knowledge of cetacean threats, diversity and habitats in the Pacifc island region

reen Turtle Nesting Sites and Sea Turtle Legislation throughout Oceania 2010

Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands 2005

This guide assists PICs to build on existing laws and institutions to protect their environments, economies and societies from plastic pollution, improve waste management and recovery, and find alternative and practical solutions to avoidable plastic use.

The direct link to the Micronesia Challenge website.

The global seafloor geomorphic features map has been created through collaboration between Geoscience Australia, GRID-Arendal and Conservation International.

A presentation on what's in and what's not; using the new global seafloor geomorphic map to examine the representatives of global marine protected areas

A scientific paper published in Marine Geology, that gives a detailed description of the global geomorphic features map

direct link to the 'Blue Habitat' website

a mapping representation of active and passive continental margins, oceanic plate boundaries and mid ocean spreading ridges

direct link to all the latest articles and news on birds from the Pacific region

Direct link to multilateral environmental agreements information on the InforMEA portal related to the Pacific region.

A series of free online courses related to different environmental thematic areas:
1. Biological Diversity
2. Chemicals and Waste
3. Climate, Atmosphere and Land
4. International Environmental Governance
5. Oceans and Freshwater

Users can freely participate on any course and receive certificates upon completion of each course syllabus.

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the InforMEA platform.

The assessment is structured in two related parts:

1. State, pressures and threats.
2. Response.

These guidelines detail the process, timeline, and steps taken to complete a State of Environment Report.

This is a template that can be used when creating a State of Environment report, and sections can be added or adapted to fit a country’s needs.