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14 September 2024 | dataset

NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS MEMD 3

A quantitative assessment of Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa was conducted to establish a biological baseline for future comparisons. Surveys of algae, corals, macroinvertebrates, and fish were performed along transects at varying depths. Despite damage from a 1979 Acanthaster planci outbreak, coral species were recovering by 1985, with new recruits showing potential for full recovery, and a total of 215 fish species and 87% of known gastropod species were observed in the bay.

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Release Date
Identifier c0398752-ed37-4061-b65f-06c648d58dcf
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location American Samoa
Relevant Countries American Samoa
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Charles E. Birkeland, Richard H. Randal, Richard C. Wass, Bary Smith, Susanne Wilkins