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Groundwater is the primary water source on the island Tutuila in American Samoa, and accurate

quantification of groundwater availability is essential for well-informed management of this limited

resource. A water budget approach using SWB2, a soil water-balance model was applied to Tutuila

with the primary objective of calculating spatially and temporally distributed net-infiltration, which

directly controls groundwater recharge rate. Other water budget components such as

The primary goal for this study was to apply the Soil Water Balance 2 (SWB2) Model to create high-resolution estimates of water balance components on Tutuila with a particular emphasis on groundwater recharge.

Quantifying hydrologic parameters such as precipitation, streamflow, evapotranspiration,

and aquifer response are fundamental to understanding a region’s hydrological budget, and

thus the availability of water resources. This is particularly important in small island

developing communities where critical water resources are limited. Climate and

streamflow measurements provide information on ground and surface water supply, while

measurement of aquifer parameters such as water level and salinity is imperative for

A Management Summary to suppliment the 2018 ASPA-UHWRRC Hydrologic Monitoring Network Handbook

This report focuses on addressing the critical challenges of sustainable water resources management on Tutuila, the main island in the Territory of American Samoa. It presents an updated conceptual hydrogeological model of the island's groundwater and surface water resources by integrating existing hydrological information with recently acquired subsurface datasets, shedding light on the complex nature of Tutuila's hydrogeology, which varies significantly across different locations on the island.

This report documents the UH monitoring network which provides hydrologic parameters, such as precipitation, streamflow, and aquifer response, in small island developing communities like Tutuila, American Samoa, where water resources are limited. It highlights the collaborative efforts between the University of Hawaii's Water Resources Research Center and the American Samoa Power Authority to establish a new monitoring network for weather, stream gauging, and aquifer data, providing essential information for sustainable water resource management and various applications